Roblox Nil Hack

Roblox developers, anyone who has played Roblox for a long time will know. Exploits make this possible: Teleport hack. What can do with an exploit? Exploits can execute local scripts. So you can change the WalkSpeed property of Humanoid. But with that, All this can be prevented by program. The third thing says 'Nomnomnom1 will hack you too! Backwards, which is the text for the message that comes up when game.Players.NumPlayers 1, meaning when there is more than one player, which can't happen in play solo! Gg.alert('Sometimes this Hack works if it does not work Turn your camera only if you want to Fix This Hack you must exit or Off the menu and only sometimes you can close Roblox') gg.searchNumber('1.75', gg.TYPEFLOAT).

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May 3rd, 2020

Roblox Hack Free Roblox

Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  2. Text ='Press L.Ctrl'
  3. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  4. Text ='Press L.Alt'
  5. PLAYER = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  6. CC = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  7. ENABLED =false
  8. _G.ESP_BIND =52
  9. local PLAYERS ={}
  10. local DISTANCES ={}
  11. if v ~= PLAYER then
  12. end
  13. for i, v inpairs(PLAYERS)do
  14. if v and(v.Character)~=niland v.TeamColor ~= PLAYER.TeamColor then
  15. if AIM ~=nilthen
  16. local DISTANCE =(AIM.Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude
  17. local RAY =,(MOUSE.Hit.p - CC.CoordinateFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  18. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  19. local DIFF =math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  20. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name . i].dist = DISTANCE
  21. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name . i].diff = DIFF
  22. end
  23. elseif_G.FREE_FOR_ALL truethen
  24. if AIM ~=nilthen
  25. local DISTANCE =(AIM.Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude
  26. local RAY =,(MOUSE.Hit.p - CC.CoordinateFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  27. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  28. local DIFF =math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  29. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name . i].dist = DISTANCE
  30. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name . i].diff = DIFF
  31. end
  32. end
  33. ifunpack(DISTANCES)nilthen
  34. end
  35. local L_DISTANCE =math.floor(math.min(unpack(DISTANCES)))
  36. returnfalse
  37. if v.diff L_DISTANCE then
  38. end
  39. returnfalse
  40. GUI_MAIN ='ScreenGui', game.CoreGui)
  41. GUI_AIM_AT ='TextLabel', GUI_MAIN)
  42. GUI_MAIN.Name ='AIMBOT'
  43. GUI_TARGET.Size =,200,0,30)
  44. GUI_TARGET.BackgroundColor ='Fossil')
  45. GUI_TARGET.Position =,-100,0,0)
  46. GUI_TARGET.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  47. GUI_TARGET.TextWrapped =true
  48. GUI_TARGET.Font ='SourceSansBold'
  49. GUI_AIM_AT.Size =,200,0,20)
  50. GUI_AIM_AT.BackgroundColor ='Fossil')
  51. GUI_AIM_AT.Position =,-100,0,30)
  52. GUI_AIM_AT.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  53. GUI_AIM_AT.TextWrapped =true
  54. GUI_AIM_AT.Font ='SourceSansBold'
  55. local TRACK =false
  56. function CREATE(BASE, TEAM)
  57. local ESP_MAIN ='BillboardGui', PLAYER.PlayerGui)
  58. local ESP_NAME ='TextLabel', ESP_MAIN)
  59. ESP_MAIN.Name ='ESP'
  60. ESP_MAIN.AlwaysOnTop =true
  61. ESP_MAIN.Size =,5,0,5)
  62. ESP_DOT.Name ='DOT'
  63. ESP_DOT.BackgroundColor ='Bright red')
  64. ESP_DOT.BorderSizePixel =0
  65. ESP_DOT.Size =,0,2,0)
  66. ESP_DOT.ZIndex =10
  67. ESP_NAME.Name ='NAME'
  68. ESP_NAME.BackgroundColor3 =,255,255)
  69. ESP_NAME.BorderSizePixel =0
  70. ESP_NAME.Size =,0,10,0)
  71. ESP_NAME.ZIndex =10
  72. ESP_NAME.FontSize ='Size14'
  73. ESP_NAME.TextColor ='Bright red')
  74. for _,v inpairs(PLAYER.PlayerGui:children())do
  75. v:Destroy()
  76. end
  77. CLEAR()
  78. spawn(function()
  79. if TRACK then
  80. for i,v inpairs(game.Players:GetChildren())do
  81. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head')then
  82. if v.TeamColor ~= PLAYER.TeamColor then
  83. CREATE(v.Character.Head,true)
  84. end
  85. if v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head')then
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. wait(1)
  90. end
  91. MOUSE.KeyDown:connect(function(KEY)
  92. if KEY _G.BIND then
  93. end
  94. KEY = KEY:lower():byte()
  95. ENABLED =false
  96. end)
  97. MOUSE.KeyDown:connect(function(KEY)
  98. if KEY _G.ESP_BIND then
  99. FIND()
  100. print('ESP : ON')
  101. wait()
  102. TRACK =false
  103. print('ESP : OFF')
  104. end
  105. if KEY _G.CHANGE_AIM then
  106. _G.AIM_AT ='Torso'
  107. elseif_G.AIM_AT 'Torso'then
  108. GUI_AIM_AT.Text ='AIMING : HEAD'
  109. end
  110. game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:connect(function()
  111. local TARGET = GetNearestPlayerToMouse()
  112. local AIM = TARGET.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.AIM_AT)
  113. CC.CoordinateFrame =, AIM.CFrame.p)
  114. GUI_TARGET.Text ='AIMBOT : '. TARGET.Name:sub(1,5)
  115. GUI_TARGET.Text ='AIMBOT : OFF'
  116. end
  117. wait()
  118. FIND()
  119. until ESP_ENABLED false

Roblox Nil Hacks

Mar 19th, 2020
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()----------- Intro GUI
  2. local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer ------------- START OF SCRIPT
  3. Player.Chatted:connect(function(cht)----------- CMD SMART
  4. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  5. elseif cht:match(':toolgui')then-------------------- TOOL GUI PART / END OF CMD
  6. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  7. elseif cht:match(':savetool')then
  8. for _,v inpairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren())do
  9. v.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  10. end
  11. for _,v inpairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetChildren())do
  12. v.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  13. end
  14. elseif cht:match(':antiafk')then--------------------------------- END OF TOOL GUI PART
  15. game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
  16. VirtualUser:ClickButton2(
  17. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  18. Text ='Anti AFK Script';
  19. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
  20. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
  21. limb:BreakJoints()
  22. local velocity ='RocketPropulsion', limb)
  23. velocity.MaxSpeed =30
  24. velocity.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
  25. velocity.Target = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
  26. velocity:fire()
  27. end
  28. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Left Arm'],,-2,-1))
  29. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Right Arm'],,-2,-1))
  30. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Left Leg'],,-2,1))
  31. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['Right Leg'],,-2,1))
  32. elseif cht:match(':creeper15')then
  33. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
  34. limb:BreakJoints()
  35. local velocity ='RocketPropulsion', limb)
  36. velocity.MaxSpeed =30
  37. velocity.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
  38. velocity.Target = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
  39. velocity:fire()
  40. end
  41. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['LeftUpperArm'],,-2,-1))
  42. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['RightUpperArm'],,-2,-1))
  43. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['LeftUpperLeg'],,-2,1))
  44. doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character['RightUpperLeg'],,-2,1))
  45. elseif cht:match(':shattervest')then
  46. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  47. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  48. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))();
  49. local Plr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
  50. ifnot game:GetService('UserInputService'):IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl)thenreturnend
  51. Mouse.Target:Destroy()
  52. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  53. local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
  54. function Action(Object, Function)if Object ~=nilthen Function(Object);endend
  55. UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
  56. if UserInput.UserInputType Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.Space then
  57. if self:GetState() Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
  58. Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart,function(self)
  59. end)
  60. end)
  61. end)
  62. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))();
  63. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  64. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  65. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  66. elseif cht:match(':openui')then-- secret script if you open the pastebin :))
  67. end
  68. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF SCRIPT ------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. loadstring(game:HttpGet('',true))()
  70. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification',{
  71. Text ='Ultimate Admin Script';

Roblox Nil Hack Game

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Roblox Nil Hack Roblox